Drumcliffe Local Walking Trails

Glencar Bog Road

Walk Time: 1.5 to 2 hours approx

Details:  This walk starts at the eastern end of Glencar Lake about 400 metres from the waterfall car-park. Park in the car-park beside the “boat-house” and walk up the road adjacent to the car-park. The road was resurfaced in recent years and is steep in parts.

After just over a mile you reach the end of the tarred road and traverse 2 newly erected stiles. Continue on for about 300 metres where the road splits. Hudsons Road is straight ahead but you are taking the road to the right signposted for the Dooneens. This old bog road was built in the 1940’s by the Land Comission. There is a picnic table along the way so bring some refreshments.

After about a mile you reach the end of this track and the “Dooneens” are in full view. At this point you have risen from 30 metres above sea level to about 350 metres. If you are feeling very energetic you can continue on to Truskmore, the highest point in Sligo. This is about 300 metres higher. The round trip from the car-park to the end of the bog road overlooking the Dooneens takes between 1 ½ and 2 hours. The views as you rise are breathtaking especially on a clear day. 


Barnaribbon Walk

Walk Time: 30 to 45 mins approx

Details:  This is an easy, family friendly, accessible, ‘doable’ walk.  No special footwear is required, and it will reward all ages with an opportunity to take in the breathtaking scenery that is our area.

Situated below the nose of Benbulben, its accessed off the N15 at the Barnaribbon junction, head straight up to the end of the road past the ‘Cul –de sac’ sign on to the new car park on the left hand side. 

Walk along the old road past the cottage along the foot of the mountain.  Continue straight through the gate/stile, and follow the loop.

It takes about 45 mins to complete. Please note all dogs must be kept on a lead as the slopes are populated by neighbor’s sheep. 
