Updated 30/12/11

500 Club Draw - December 2011 Draw Results

The first Oxfield 500 Club Draw took place in Henry Bar & Restaurant on Saturday 17th December 2011.  Attended by a big crowd, the draw was carried out with military precision!  Congrats again to the winners:

1st Mary McSharry €500;

2nd Brian Og Murphy €200;

3rd Mairead McMorrow €100;

4th Cathal Hopper €100;

5th Eleanor Henry €100;

6th Declan Carroll 32" Saor View Flatscreen TV;

7th Michael McMorrow iPod Docking Station;

8th Veronica Gillen Delonghi Coffee Maker.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported the draw, and especially Mattie and the gang in Henrys Bar & Restaurant for sponsoring and hosting out very first draw. Thanks also to Eugene McHale who acted as independent observer.

The January draw takes place at the Oxfield Centre on Monday 16th January at 9:30pm. In addition to the cash prizes, this month’s star prize is 500 litres of kerosene home heating oil kindly sponsored by Sligo Fuels.

Updated 20/09/11

"Have a Look - Have a Go!"  -  Sligo Volunteer Week 

‘Have a look and have a go’ is the message from Sligo Volunteer Week (26 – 30 September) which celebrates the diverse range of volunteers and volunteer organisations throughout Sligo.  The week will be packed with events and fairs celebrating the range of voluntary activity in the county.  It is organised by Sligo Volunteer Centre and was launched by Marion Harkin as part of the European Year of Volunteering.

If you ever wanted to find out more about volunteering, this is the week for you.  Even if it’s only for a minute, an hour, or a day - volunteering can make a big difference and be a lot of fun.  Volunteer Week in Sligo runs from Monday 26 to Friday 30 September and encourages everyone to give volunteering a try.  There will be chance to visit voluntary organisations throughout Sligo, chat to volunteers and maybe find your volunteer niche.  Key activities in Ballymote, Grange and Sligo Town will give people an opportunity to find out what is happening in their areas and what voluntary help is needed.

The week will culminate on Friday 30 September with the National Day of Volunteering. On this day the general public will be  encouraged to carry out Random Acts of Volunteering. All the details for this are on www.volunteer.ie. You can also register your Random Act of Volunteering on this website and get lots more ideas about volunteering on National Day of Volunteering.

Grange will host a Volunteer Fair in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 28 September from 3pm to 6pm.  Friday 30 September is National Day of Volunteering and O’Connell Street in Sligo will be a hive of Volunteer Activity from 3pm – 6pm.  It will include a Volunteer Fair, more VolunTours on the hour, every hour from 3pm and fun activities for all ages. 

Updated 06/09/11

Drumcliffe ICA Update  

From Strength to Strength - The local Guild is looking forward to an action packed new season, following the previous activity packed 9 months, which saw the Guild membership increase, participate in a number of VEC courses, and with the Community's support run a successful ‘Easter Raffle and Cake Sale’. Last season the Group supported the Drumcliffe Development Association, and this season are planning to assist the 11th Sligo Benbulben Scouting Group.

Give it a Go! - The ICA is a very welcoming group where friendships across the parish were forged as long as 31 years ago and have withstood the test of time.  The Guild's aim is to provide opportunities to ladies over 17 years of age in diverse activities and to that end the Group makes every effort to provide teachers, demonstrators, etc.  Social activities are probably the most important since everyone needs a ‘break’ now and then.  You might like to pop along to an ‘open night’ early in October in the History Centre in Rathcormac, to talk to the members and get the feel of a ‘Guild Meeting’.  The guild meets in the History Centre in Rathcormac on Monday September 7th at 8:30pm.  

Remembering Lizzie - The members of the Drumcliffe ICA Guild wish to convey their sincere sympathy to the family of the late Lizzie (Elizabeth) O’Beirne.  A founder and Guild member for over 29 years, Lizzie was our first Secretary and in her own quiet gentle way she encouraged us to knit, sew, cook, etc.  She loved the Federation meetings and ‘the Annual Outings’.  Lizzie's home was always open to us to discuss arrangements for events and she enjoyed so much our forays to craft and wool shops.  There is not a craft which she did not master, and shared her knowledge with others.  Indeed her home was a veritable ‘Allandin's Cave’ of the work she did in her lifetime.  Lizzie will always be remembered with affection by all of us whose lives she touched.  May God have mercy on her gentle soul.

Updated 07/06/11

Oxfield Family FunDay Monday 

Defying the science of weather forecasting might be something the Oxfield FunDay Monday will become famous for!  Thankfully the rain stayed away for most of the day on Monday (June 6th) to allow this year's fantastic community family fun day to take place in Oxfield.

This year's event had a few new angles, with additions to the bouncy castle arena, pony rides, art workshops, walkabout Disney characters, and a mini-digger challenge for the adults...and that was on top of everything else!

A BIG BIG thanks to everyone who turned on the day, and especially to all of our sponsors, supporters, donors, performers, service providers and volunteers.  It was a classic example of how a community can come together to put on something special.

For photos and video click here.

List of our fantastic sponsors (incomplete)

Abtech Precision

AVA Audio Visuals & Acoustics

Dickon Whitehead Photography

Patrick Leonard (Freeze Frame Productions)

Joe Kelly Foods

Island View Pony & Horse Riding Centre (Raymond O'Connor)

Gallaghers Bakery

Flannerys Car Sales

Davis Restaurant

CEF (Electrics)

Happy Days

Keadys (Dry Cleaners & Laundrette)

John Kent Sports

The Cake Lady

The Food Experience

Mullaneys SuperValu

Henry's Restaurant

McCormack's Fuels

Leslie's Farm Supplies


Glencar Water

Derek Chambers

Cregg House

David Leydon

O'Hehirs Bakery

The Carney Ladies

Bens Topline Hardware

S&G Bouncy Castles

Kevin & Mary McMorrow

Hugh Slevin Garden Furniture

Martin Reilly Motors

Feehilys Flowers

Gerry Ferguson

Stathroy Milk (Paul Parridge)

KG Construction Supplies (Karl Kelly)

Vanya & Mary from Kids Own

North Sligo Higashi Karate Club

North West Grass Machinery (Oliver Hackett)

CosOige Sean Nos Dancers & Brenda O’Callaghan

Ronan’s Boiler Services

Scruffy Duffy

Radisson Blu Hotel

The Order of Malta

Updated 23/05/11

Community Games - Going from Strength to Strength 

They say its all about taking part.  Well, anyone who was in Oxfield to see the 2011 Community Games track and field events will certainly agree.  Someone upstairs looked after the weather which meant that we were treated to a day of fun competition and a great community spirit all round.

A particular word of praise must go the organising Committee, who have to get through an unbelievable amount of work in order to run the Community Games each year.

Results - click here

Photos - click here

Updated 20/03/11

Oxfield Comedy & Music Night

What a night! Over 130 neighbours and friends, both young and old,  joined us for a 'craicing' comedy night in Henry's Bar & Restaurant on March 16th. Comedian Frank Ford was a huge hit with his roaming improv routine. The Nitehawks (renamed on the night to the The Drumcliffe Rubberbandits!) provided live music while Mattie and his staff at Henrys laid on a superb buffet meal.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable night, bringing together people from not only our own community but from all over north Sligo.

A big BIG THANK YOU to all who attended and helped out on the night. Based on the positive feedback we've been receiving since, this is something that may become a more regular feature on our calendar!

And finally, a huge thank you to all our prize sponsors: 

  • Radisson Blu Hotel
  • McCormack Fuels
  • Chain Driven Cycles, High St
  • Abtech Precision
  • Grange Fuels
  • CosCos Sean Nos Dance Group
  • Henry's Bar & Restaurant
  • AVA Systems

Updated 09/05/11

Circuit Training for Adults

Circuit Training for adults takes place every Tuesday and Thursday (6:30 to 7:30pm) in Oxfield.

Circuit training, focusing on strength and conditioning, is the most effective, enjoyable and sociable way to get into shape.  The sessions in Oxfield will be run by qualified fitness coaches Sean Flannery and Ronan McNamara from Joes2Pros.

It costs €5 per session.  In addition to getting into shape, you can avail of all kinds of fitness advice, from stretches to nutrition.

All are welcome.  For further information, contact Sean on 087 9784628 or just turn up at the times above.

Updated 03/01/11

Oxfield Wonderland Event

Over 300 people attended the recent Wonderland event in Oxfield to enjoy some post Christmas family fun.  With the hall decorated in their own artwork, the kids were spoiled with bouncy castles, face painting, balloons, art and crafts, penalty kick competitions, goodies, and not to mention some well known characters such as Dora, Bob and Scooby Doo, and our very own Oxfield clown!

(To see photos from the day, and to view some of the artwork which was entered into the Wonderland Art competition, click here).

The cake sale, tuck shop and raffle all proved very popular, and we even had some live music from local pop group JRB (Jack Gallagher, Jude McGarry, Brian Glennon and Ronan Devaney) and the Rathcormac 'Jingle Bells' Choir.

The 'lights out' incident added a bit of mystery and intrigue to what was a highly successful event all round.  Thanks to everyone who attended and to those who helped out in running the event.  A special word of thanks to our sponsors and supporters (names to follow), who donated prizes, food, goods, equipment and services, without which the event would not have happened!

Art Competition Results:
Jnr / Snr Infants
1st TBC



1st Class
1st Roisín Gantly
2nd Cian Oates
3rd Maeve Casserly
4th Laoise Moylan
2nd Class
1st Tara Dunleavey
2nd James Higgins
3rd Clodagh Mc Closkey
4th Ciaran Casserly

3rd Class
1st Aisling Branley
2nd Ava Harte
3rd Lisa Mc Morrow
4th Sean Gantly
5th Class
1st Leah Hedigan
2nd Niamh Henry
3rd Zara Mulrooney
4th Clodagh Howley
6th Class
1st Lea Mc Carthy
2nd Anna Quinn
3rd Alannah Costello
4th Ríona Conor